A Positive Approach to ‘Greening’: Green Deal Facebook Narratives in Slovakia

Zdieľajte článok Facebook Twitter Linkedin Email Infosecurity.sk, in cooperation with the International Republican Institute’s Beacon Project, monitored posts concerning the European Green Deal present on the Slovak Facebook between 20 April-20 May 2022 using the CrowdTangle tool. This monitoring is a part of a larger IRI initiative being implemented simultaneously in five EU countries. Key […]

Infosecurity.sk, in cooperation with the International Republican Institute’s Beacon Project, monitored posts concerning the European Green Deal present on the Slovak Facebook between 20 April-20 May 2022 using the CrowdTangle tool. This monitoring is a part of a larger IRI initiative being implemented simultaneously in five EU countries.

Key takeaways:

  • All posts analyzed in the observation express a positive attitude towards the Green Deal.
  • The EU policy is perceived mainly in connection with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the need to diversify the energy sector.
  • Monitored posts were published by reliable sources, such as sources connected to the European Union.

You can find more information in the infographic below.

Michaela Ružičková
Author: Michaela Ružičková

Interná doktorandka na Katedre politológie Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. Absolvovala stáž v Kancelárii prezidenta Slovenskej republiky na Odbore medzinárodnej politiky. Pôsobila ako editorka obsahu v rámci newsletteru o dezinformáciách Digital Infospace Security Initiative. Publikuje ako stážistka v think-tanku Stratpol. Venuje sa témam ako je environmentálna geopolitika, geopolitika Arktídy a dôsledky klimatickej zmeny. Kontakt: michaela.ruzickova@infosecurity.sk


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